What Is Fire Pump Suction Fluctuation and How Is It Managed?


  • Fire Pump Suction Fluctuation:
    This occurs when the pressure or flow on the suction side of a fire pump varies unpredictably. Causes include inconsistent water supply, air entrainment, partially closed valves, or system demand changes. Suction fluctuations can lead to cavitation, reduced pump performance, and potential damage.

  • How It’s Managed:

    1. Ensure Steady Water Supply: Use properly sized water tanks or reliable mains connections.
    2. Install Air Release Valves: Remove trapped air from suction lines.
    3. Check Suction Piping: Ensure the piping is correctly sized, free from leaks, and adequately submerged.
    4. Add Suction Stabilization Devices: Suction tanks or headers can help stabilize supply pressure.
    5. Monitor and Maintain: Regularly inspect suction valves, strainers, and screens for blockages.
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