Horizontal split case fire pumps are the most commonly used type of pump. This is due to the easy accessibility of all functional parts, the availability of different sizes, the ability to pump large volumes of water efficiently, and their long-term reliability. This type of pump requires a water source that generates positive suction pressure. The operation of a vertical split casing pump is similar to that of a horizontal split casing pump, except for the vertical orientation of the pump and motor.
Vertical inline pumps also have a vertical motor orientation. Generally, these are smaller, compact pumps that require less space than other pumps. They are suitable for applications with limited space for a pump room. Another advantage is inline installation, which generally does not require special bases or foundations. One disadvantage of the inline pump is that the entire drive unit must be removed for maintenance or repair. Positive suction pressure is required for this type of pump.
Unlike the previously described fire pumps, the vertical turbine pump does not require a water source to provide positive suction pressure. Therefore, this type of pump can be operated without suction. These pumps are usually fed by underground tanks or wells. In operation, these pumps push the water up through the column of pipes to the pump outlet.

End-suction pumps as follows: ñA single-suction pump with the suction port located on the opposite side of the casing from the gland and with the face of the suction port perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the shaftî. Similar to the vertical turbine pump, the water flowing through a terminal suction pump makes a 90° radial turn from suction to discharge.